Establishing Healthy Emotional Boundaries
In a recent episode of his podcast “Happy Chemicals,” host Christian Rivera explored the importance of setting emotional boundaries in our lives. He opened up about his journey to understanding the differences between public and private intimacy.
Growing up, Christian lacked role models for establishing healthy boundaries. This led him to overshare details of his relationships and inner world publicly. Through inner work and studying modalities like the Gene Keys, Christian has gained insight into appropriate boundaries.
Understanding Emotional Access
Christian used the analogy of a house to illustrate holding certain conversations and relationships in different “rooms.” For example, the bedroom is an intimate space just for you and your partner. The kitchen may be open for close friends. But you don’t grant the mail carrier access to your bedroom simply because they are around a lot!
Setting these boundaries creates true emotional intimacy. You honor each relationship and part of yourself by not allowing anyone full access by default.
Processing Emotions With Care
Rather than trauma dumping our feelings randomly, Christian stressed the importance of carefully processing emotions. Journaling, therapy, coaching, and self-inquiry help us digest feelings and gain wisdom. He suggested allowing emotions to “alchemize” within through self-nurturing practices.
Creativity can also be an amazing vessel for giving form to nebulous emotions. Christian noted art need not be formal or perfect. The act of creating helps us express and release energy on our own terms.
Personal Happiness As A Daily Practice
Ultimately, Christian focused on relating to happiness as an ongoing process, rather than a destination. Emotional self-care such as setting boundaries, processing feelings, mind-body practices, quality time with loved ones, etc. becomes our daily fuel.
When generated from within, positive emotions radiate outward effortlessly. But it starts with establishing intimacy and trust with ourselves first.
What resonance or insights did you gain from Christian’s thoughts on emotional boundaries? Share your reflections below!